Querelle (1982)
It will take you into a surreal world of passion and sexuality, further than most would dare to go.
poster Querelle
Evaluation TMDb :
6.6/10 (94 votes)

Pays :France, 1hr 48min

Langues :Anglais

Genre(s) :Drame

Réalisateur(s) :Rainer Werner Fassbinder

Codec vidéo :Unknown

Numéro : 151

Synopsis :
A handsome Belgian sailor on shore leave in the port of Brest, who is also a drug-smuggler and murderer, embarks upon a voyage of highly charged and violent homosexual self-discovery that will change him forever from the man he once was.

Distribution :

photo Brad Davis
Brad Davis Querelle
photo Franco Nero
Franco Nero Lieutenant Seblon
photo Jeanne Moreau
Jeanne Moreau Lysiane
photo Laurent Malet
Laurent Malet Roger Bataille
photo Hanno Pöschl
Hanno Pöschl Robert / Gil

Support : Fichier multimédia,

Emplacement : [Seagate Portable Drive]E:\FILMS\Querelle (1982)\Querelle (1982).avi

Prêté : Non

Format image : Unknown