Last Year at Marienbad (1961)
poster Last Year at Marienbad
Evaluation TMDb :
7.6/10 (318 votes)

Autre titre :L'Année dernière à Marienbad (Titre original)

Pays :France, 1hr 35min

Langues :Français

Genre(s) :Drame, Romantique

Réalisateur(s) :Alain Resnais

Codec vidéo :Unknown

Numéro : 103

Synopsis :
In a strange and isolated chateau, a man becomes acquainted with a woman and insists that they have met before.

Distribution :

photo Delphine Seyrig
Delphine Seyrig A - the brunette woman
photo Giorgio Albertazzi
Giorgio Albertazzi X - the man with the italian accent
photo Sacha Pitoëff
Sacha Pitoëff M - the other man with the lean face, the husband
photo Françoise Bertin
Françoise Bertin A character from the hotel
photo Luce Garcia-Ville
Luce Garcia-Ville A character from the hotel

Support : Fichier multimédia,

Emplacement : [Seagate Portable Drive]E:\FILMS\L'Annee derniere a Marienbad - Resnais\L'Annee derniere a Marienbad.avi

Prêté : Non

Format image : Unknown