Amar te duele (2002)
¿Quién dice que el varo no importa? (Who says money isn't important?)
poster Amar te duele
Evaluation IMDb :
6.5/10 (2842 votes)

Pays :Mexique, 1hr 44min

Langues :Anglais, Espagnol

Genre(s) :Drame, Aventures, Fantastique

Réalisateur(s) :Fernando Sariñana

Codec vidéo :Unknown

Numéro : 11

Synopsis :
Renata is a young high-class girl and Ulises is a poor guy. They both fall in love, but they must fight against everyone, specially Renata's rich parents, who want to stop their love by sending her to Canada. The story remarks the difference between social classes in Mexico City, and their characters risk everything just to save their love.

Distribution :

photo Luis Fernando Peña
Luis Fernando Peña Ulises
photo Martha Higareda
Martha Higareda Renata
photo Ximena Sariñana
Ximena Sariñana Mariana
photo Patricia Bernal
Patricia Bernal Esther
photo Pedro Damián
Pedro Damián Armando

Support : Fichier multimédia,

Emplacement : [Seagate Portable Drive]E:\FILMS\Amarte.Duele.Dvdrip.Audio.Latino.avi

Prêté : Non

Format image : Unknown