My Best Fiend (1999)
poster My Best Fiend
Evaluation TMDb :
7.5/10 (122 votes)

Autre titre :Mein liebster Feind (Titre original)

Pays :Allemagne, 1hr 35min

Langues :Allemand, Anglais, Espagnol

Genre(s) :Documentaire

Réalisateur(s) :Werner Herzog

Codec vidéo :Unknown

Numéro : 123

Synopsis :
A film that describes the love-hate relationship between Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski, the deep trust between the director and the actor, and their independently and simultaneously hatched plans to murder one another.

Distribution :

photo Werner Herzog
Werner Herzog Himself
photo Klaus Kinski
Klaus Kinski Himself
photo Claudia Cardinale
Claudia Cardinale Herself
photo Justo González
Justo González Himself (also archive footage)
photo Mick Jagger
Mick Jagger Himself - Wilbur (archive footage)

Support : Fichier multimédia,

Emplacement : [Seagate Portable Drive]E:\FILMS\Mein Liebster Feind (1999, Werner Herzog)\Mein liebster Feind - Klaus Kinski.avi

Prêté : Non

Format image : Unknown