Orgasmo (1969)
Orgasmo sucks you into a whirlpool of erotic love!
poster Orgasmo
Evaluation TMDb :
5.9/10 (23 votes)

Autre titre :Paranoia

Pays :Italie, 1hr 31min

Langues :Italien

Genre(s) :Suspense, Drame, Romantique

Réalisateur(s) :Umberto Lenzi

Codec vidéo :Unknown

Numéro : 139

Synopsis :
Following the death of her wealthy husband, American widow Kathryn West migrates to Italy and takes up a reclusive existence in a luxurious villa. After quickly succumbing to the charms of a local man, she lets him move into the villa and the two are later joined by his sister, which soon leads to complications.

Distribution :

photo Carroll Baker
Carroll Baker Kathryn West
photo Lou Castel
Lou Castel Peter Donovan
photo Colette Descombes
Colette Descombes Eva
photo Tino Carraro
Tino Carraro Brion Sanders
photo Lilla Brignone
Lilla Brignone Teresa

Support : Fichier multimédia,

Emplacement : [Seagate Portable Drive]E:\FILMS\ORGASMO.U.Lenzi.Ita.DVDRip.1969\ORGASMO-CG.mkv

Prêté : Non

Format image : Unknown